26 de dezembro de 2012

Emoção e bons sentimentos.

A publicação das fotos da nossa festinha causou um sentimento único em muitas pessoas que nos seguem ou que conhecem nossos voluntários. Recebemos hoje essa mensagem de uma amiga que mora nos EUA. Gostaríamos de compartilhar a emoção e os agradecimentos dela com vocês, os nossos voluntários e responsáveis por tanta carinho e amor.

"It is with great joy that I sit here going through all of the pictures everyone makes sure to post, and yet it brings tears to my eyes to know that I am not close enough to be much of any help. I hope that with time I will either be there to be part of a wonderful, or I will be here trying to help in any way that I can or even with some new ideas. I am very thankful to you and all of the volunteers that always comes together for every event that is put together. I believe that even if you guys don't ever get an official recognition, in the end it is all worth it, because the emotional gratification of it all is better than anything in this world. All I wanted to say is congratulations and keep it up, these kids deserve allot more!"

Raissa Granato.
Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, EUA.

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